On presenting his research in Parliament, he said, “I find SET for BRITAIN as a unique platform and fantastic opportunity for early career researchers like me to present my research to a wider audience, and to engage with politicians regarding scientific research in this country; especially giving the contemporary nature of urban cycling transportation in this country. Additionally, the event offers a great chance to interact with other scientists and engineers from the UK and get a wider perspective on cutting edge research from across the country which may lead to possible future collaborations for the betterment of society.”
Andrew Miller MP, Chairman of the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, said, “This annual competition is an important date in the parliamentary calendar because it gives MPs an opportunity to speak to a wide range of the country’s best young researchers. “These early career engineers are the architects of our future and SET for Britain is politicians’ best opportunity to meet them and understand their work.”
Godwin’s principal supervisor, Dr Seraphim Alvanides said “This is an outstanding achievement for a Northumbria postgraduate researcher, demonstrating the importance and relevance of our Faculty’s research to the wider society. Godwin’s work is looking at the physical and transport constraints that commuter cyclists are dealing with on a regular basis. This is a contentious topic with serious planning implications, if we want to increase sustainable transport, such as regular cycling, in our cities. Our research is pointing towards feasible solutions for improving the urban cycling infrastructure end encouraging more people to cycle as part of their daily commute. Godwin’s poster communicates succinctly a complex research issue to a lay audience, as well as to politicians and policy makers. I am delighted that he was shortlisted at this national competition for a prestigious Medal and monetary prize. SET for Britain is co-sponsored by the Royal Academy of Engineering and runs during the National Science and Engineering Week.”
Neil Scott, Vice President Engineering – Airbus in the UK, the company sponsors of the gold medal, said, “High quality engineering is the life blood of the global aviation industry and it is only through the efforts of our teams of highly skilled and qualified engineers that we are able to stay ahead of our competitors and ensure that the UK aviation industry maintains its position as a world leading centre of engineering excellence."
“It is absolutely vital that we continue to invest in high quality training and in research and development and I’m delighted to say that we continue to work closely with the UK government to ensure this is happening. From Airbus’ successful application for Regional Growth Fund support, which is helping create 200 new engineering jobs, to the joint industry/government initiative that will fund up to 500 Masters Degrees in Aerospace Engineering – these are all steps that clearly underline our shared commitment to ensuring the continued success of the UK aerospace sector, both now and into the future.”
The Parliamentary and Scientific Committee run the event in collaboration with the Institute of Physics, The Physiological Society, the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Society of Biology and the Society of Chemical Industry, with financial support from BP, Airbus/EADS, INEOS, AgChemAccess, Essar, the Institute of Biomedical Science, GAMBICA and WMG.
The research is also published in The Journal, Science Daily, Northumbria News, and other media outlets.
1. Contact
For further information about the event, images, or interview opportunities, please contact Joe Winters:
Tel: 020 7470 4815
Mob: 07946 321473
E-mail: joseph.winters@iop.org
2. SET for Britain
SET for Britain is a poster competition in the House of Commons - involving approximately 180 early stage or early career researchers - judged by professional and academic experts. All presenters are entered into either the engineering, the biological and biomedical sciences, the physical sciences (chemistry), or the physical sciences (physics) session, depending on their specialism.
Each session will result in the reward of Bronze, Silver and Gold certificates. Bronze winners will receive a £1,000 prize; Silver, £2,000; and Gold, £3,000. There will also be an overall winner from the four sessions who will receive the Westminster Wharton Medal.
SET for Britain was established by Dr Eric Wharton in 1997. Following his untimely death in 2007, the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, with support from The Royal Academy of Engineering, The Institute of Physics, the Society of Biology, The Royal Society of Chemistry, The Physiological Society and the Society of Chemical Industry are working together to further his legacy.
The event is made possible this year by industry sponsors BP, Airbus/EADS, INEOS, AgChemAccess, Essar, the Institute of Biomedical Science, GAMBICA and WMG.
Early stage or early career researchers include university research students, postgraduates, research assistants, postdocs, research fellows, newly-appointed lecturers, part-time and mature students, returners, those people embarking on a second career, and their equivalent in national, public sector and industrial laboratories, and appropriate final year undergraduate and MSc students, all of whom are engaged in scientific, engineering, technological or medical research.
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